My search for the perfect and wearable lipcream haven’t finished yet. From some beauty vlogger I found out that a local make up brand, LT Pro, make a line of lip cream thats wearable and affordable. Comparing to Sariayu’s or Make Over’s, it is relatively cheap. We can get it for IDR 70-90k at local cosmetic shop. It has amazing lasting power. I can wear it for almost 12 hours without fading, or 8 hours if I eat in between. Its packaging relatively simple. Not too extravagant, not shiny, but no ugly, too. This Lip Cream is so amazing for a less than 100k product, its a shame that not many women know or wear it. I think La Tulipe must intensify its marketing effort in order to galvanizing its sales. For every girls and women out there, if we can get a great local product for 80k, why would we bother on spending IDR 200k on some so so lip cream with french name on it?
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