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My Take On Netflix

For the last 3 month I’m addicted to Netflix. First it was Chef’s Table (season 1), then Mindhunter, followed by Midnight Diner, The Big Family Cooking Showdows, Girlboss (not my taste but I keep on watched it until 6th episode), Kantaro the sweet toot salaryman, then banck to chef’s table (season 2).
What really captivate my attention is how clean and beautiful Netflix’s show their scenes, and how fresh their stories are. Take for example Midnight Diner. Its stories are quite short per episode, only 21 minutes long. Yet every story offer down to earth, familiar, but different take on everyday problem. And it was refreshing, simple. Nothing is too dramatic nor bland.
The Big Family Cooking Showdown is another enjoyable reality show. It is deemed boring by some critic, but I found some amusement in watching families cooking together, sharing love, laughter, and demonstrating teamwork between them. The champion wins because of the taste, which makes it unsurprising when an immigrant family became the Champion.
Chef’s Table, Netflix’s most coveted, most sought after, and most praised documentary tv series, is another feast to our eyes. Stories about chef and cook around the world, mostly 3-star Michelin Chef or very acclaimed chef, and how they evolve until they found the right taste makes it one of Emmy’s worthy winner. Sometimes their stories about helping and nurture their culture or local tribe, sometimes its about their struggle to figure out life. And sometimes its about how cooking make them  a better person. All shot beautifully, accompanied by a handful of european classic tunes.
Kantaro the sweet tooth salaryman is a guide to some Japanes popular desserts, along with restaurants that served them, wrapped in a classic Japanese working class drama. Aside from a Saveur style review, often its hilarious and over the top expression that resemble food themed anime (Yakitate Japan, Shokugeki No Souma) which draws viewers attention. This drama also teach ud about the importance of smart work for the sake of time efficiency. Aside from the dessert, this series also add some words of wisdom from classic era philosopher.
That’s my review of 4 Netflix’s series I’ve enjoyed so far. In the near future, i guess I’ll stick to Chef’s table. Haven’t finished its 2nd or 3rd season yet. Every show on Netflix really worth our money. If you enjoy high quality tv shows, go install and subscribe it. At the first month, we can enjoy it for free. I’ve only need to pay at 2nd month onward. Happy Netflix and Chill.


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