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Hoarding Up Cosmetics.

Lately, I’ve been purchasing a lot of cosmetics. Usually i just bougt eyeshadows or lipsticks every 4months. But recently i feel like i tried a new product every month. My latest buying spree was Implora eyeshadow, which at only 25k for 10 colourful and neutral palette, gives me a very pigmented result.
At november ’17, i bought a mineral botanica lip cream. The color pigmentation (its Honey Nude) is quite OK, but its staying power is horrible. I need to use lipbalm before applying it. The lipbalm used as lip moisturizer and make the lip cream less sticky. If i dont use lip bam, the lip cream will fade every time I drink (which I always do every 30 minutes) and it will be so sticky in my mouth I feel like using a lip sticker instead of a lip cream. It costs me 45k for a tube.
Talk about lip cream, my favourite so far is pixy lip cream in chic rose and party red. The chic rose one is very wearable for everyday use. We can’t go wrong with it. With or without lip balm, those lip creams have quite good staying power. Especially the party red one. Its shade will lasts for almost 12 hours, still stay put even if we drink or eat excessively. The chic rose not that lucky. It will wear off after 6-8 hours, faster if we eat. They costs only 38k.
Aside from eye shadow from Implora, I have another from Silky Girl. And girl how its horrible purchase. Its color is so soft I need to brush it 3-4 times before its pigmentation fully appear. On the bright side, I still can use it for nude make up. For a dark skinned people like me, eyeshadow quad from Silky Girl is a big no. Better spend it on Viva or Sariayu ones which has better pigmentation and more reasonable price. Thank god Silky Girl Quad Eyeshadow only costs me 46k.
Speaking about eye, I bought a liquid eyeliner from Viva last november too. It has good staying power, and easy to be cleaned despite its waterproof side. Had the same texture as Sariayu’s. Its staying power definitely outlasted moko-moko gel eyeliner, which I bought at 2016. Both moko-moko and viva had the same price, around 48k. And both a steal. If you like Maybeline gel liner, you’ll love Moko-moko.


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Bagus Serap Air

    Konsekuensi dari tinggal di kamar kos dekat pohon besar adalah kamar yang lembab. Begitu pula dengan kamar saya. Tepat di depan kamar menjulang pohon mangga. Kaum tetumbuhan setiap malam rajin mengeluarkan karbon dioksida dan uap air sepanjang hari. Tidak heran kamar saya menjadi lembab, rentan jamur, baju dan buku terancam lapuk.     Untuk itulah saya memerlukan desiccants alias penyerap lembab yang dapat menyerap uap air dengan kuat. Saya pun mencoba Bagus Serap Air varian 450 ml sekali pakai. Bahan Aktif yang digunakan ialah butiran kalsium klorida (CaCl). Hasilnya? Dalam waktu 30 hari satu wadah penuh terisi cairan air dan garam yang berasal dari kelembaban di kamar saya.

Teh Tarik

Bagi sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia, minuman bernama teh tarik ini bisa dibilang barang baru. Minuman yang berasal dari campuran teh hitam dengan susu ini baru dikenal awal tahun 200an, saat beberapa restoran menawarkan menu-menu ala negeri jiran, terutama Malaysia dan Singapura. Teh tarik biasa disajikan bersama roti bakar dan wafel di restoran-restoran ini.     Teh tarik sering rancu diartikan sebagai teh susu. Walau benar sebagian, ada perbedaan kecil antara teh tarik dan teh susu. Teh tarik adalah teh susu yang dituang bolak-balik di antara dua gelas besar sehingga menghasilkan cita rasa yang khas. Teh susu yang biasa disajikan di booth-booth berbagai merek teh biasanya hanya teh hitam dicampur susu yang dikocok beberapa saat dengan es batu.

Istilah Kuliah : Share Swap (Tukar Saham)

Beberapa minggu yang lalu bursa saham dihebohkan oleh kegiatan share swap yang dilakukan Telkom (melalui anak perusahaannya, Mitratel) dengan Tower Bersama Infrastructure (TBIG). TLKM akan menukar 49% kepemilikannya di Mitratel dengan kepemilikan 5.9% atas TBIG. Detailnya: TLKM (pasca transaksi) punya 5.9% hak kepemilikan atas TBIG, sedangkan TBIG punya 49% kepemilikan di Mitratel. TLKM menyerahkan kepemilikan atas 49% saham Mitratel dengan kepemilikan atas 5.9% saham TBIG.